Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pining for the fjords, um, dice.

Long time no game, no paint, no nuffin.
Achievements in gaming = 0
Still listening to "The d6 Generation" though. So I feel still in touch with what is going on in the gaming world. Kinda. They'll never really tell me about the new FoG ruleset, but I'm mostly covered.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Monsters In The Sky

Iron clad dreadnoughts that fly!

Huge, funneled, flying, shell lobbing, iron clad, flying, dreadnoughts!

Brought to you by one of the minds behind BattleTech.

All together now...

"WANT!!! "

Oh... they call it "Leviathan"!

See monstersinthesky.com

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Finally! A game!

A game! Against an adult! Rolling dice and everything!

Probably my only chance in a long time, for a long time, to push lead and roll dice against a gamer opponent (as opposed to the kids, who are coming along well with the dice rolling and miniature moving, but the games are a little simple. I really must put a few pictures of those up here)

So, since they were brand new and freshly painted, I naturally brought along as many favourites as I could cram in the list.

"Is this table tilting to one side?"

Having agreed to something along the lines of "Having detected the planet-fall of the Red Empire dropships, the fiercely independant squats of the Grimsvotn Brotherhood have dispatched their warriors to see off the invaders. Now the vanguards of the two forces encounter each other near a small industrial settlement..."
Battle begins...

The LRRG bikes and trikes race ahead

The Imperials swarmed onto the table, their mighty war engines shaking the ground.
The Brotherhood's Long Range Recon Group (LRRG) strikes out ahead of the rest of the force, hoping to delay the Imperials while the heavy vehicles get into position and the tunnellers deploy.

The Red Empire looms on the horizon...
The Imperial command centre

The bulk of the battle was dominated by artillery exchanges, as the Imperials brought down orbital strikes and used their many batteries of heavy artillery.
The Squat LRRG bears the brunt of much of this and suffers a few casualties as they race across the desert.
The Imperial War Walker engages the three squat Heavy Engines in a vicious exchange of fire. Shields flare and fail violently, but the Walker is out-gunned and in a couple of turns its shields fall to the Leviathan, allowing the Cyclops to administer the final blow with its BFG, "
Haldenfyord's Hammer".
The Walker is left a ruined heap of scrap.

Imperials suppressed and the tunnellers emerge

In the centre the squat super artillery piece, "Huge Helga", finally finds range and lands its oversized shells amongst the Imperial infantry.
Judging the time right, the Tunnellers are ordered to the surface, and the Imperial flank is suddenly beset by a full Assault Tunneller battalion.
But disaster strikes! The Imperial FAO is not suppressed, and orders in a devastatingly accurate fire mission. Caught in the open before they could close on the Imperials, the entire battalion is wiped from the battlefield in a storm of metal.

All those guys on the hill... imagine them now gone. Yeah. All of them.

Broken spirited, the LRRG launch a desperate assault but are beaten back as the Imperials rally.
The Heavy Engines are enthusiastic to carry on into the midst of the Imperials and wreak vengance, but acquiesce to commands to fall back to fight another day.

So the Red Empire holds the field, and the squats look like having to fall back to a defensive posture.

Great to have a game after a long hiatus! The squats are great fun, under any situation. The Tunnellers still need some working out though, I'm not sure I used them correctly - both as in did I get the rules right and did I employ them correctly.

Say hello to my littl' friend!

(Coincidentally, 'Scarface' was on tele last night)

More of the Clans big armour. For when your big gunz just ain't big enough!

These beasties need names ... I was reading an article about the volcano in Iceland yesterday and some of those Icelandic names inspire me as appropriate for my squats.
I think my stunties may end up being an offshoot from the (FWC) Macgregor Clan and end up with a more Icelandic/Scandinavian nomenclature.

hmmmm... so above, "Haldenfyord's Hammer"?


It wouldn't be a Squat army without a Land Train, would it? I've gone with the green colour that I'm using as part of the camo on the others, rather than the brown and green camo the other war engines are using. Still with the steel highlights as the others, as that is a theme in the army's scheme. Also have another couple of cars I should get ready for options.

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.6

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Big Guns

Another piece for the desert dwarves.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Desert Squats!

Hi ho!
Fresh off the workbench - the 2/6th Brotherhood of Grimfist, Assault Tunnellers.

The Brotherhood
(some new desert terrain in the background)

One of the tactical platoons (with attached Smart Missile stand)

Showing the 3 tactical platoons, 2 assault platoons and HQ

The HQ stand

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

They walk!

Woot! Picked up a bag of thirty 28mm plastic zombies today! They work out at well under a dollar per figure... so I'm very tempted to grab another bag! But how would I ever paint up 60 zombies... and what would I do with them?

... and why have I got this strange premonition I'll be painting 60 zombies soon.......?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Want! Waaaaant!


I have no idea how big this is, which army I would use it for, or how much it costs ... but -ooohhh- the WANT is strong with this one!

(Link to Baccus miniatures...)

#insert drooling noises here...#

Friday, February 4, 2011

Blogging On Wheels

Here's an entry done while on a tram! The 21st century is g-reat!

So, how cool is eBay? Been busy tracking down some old figures that I've wished I owned from ages ago. Now just to get them on the table sometime, somehow...


So - new year. Lets see if I can blog a little bit more this time. Got a technical assist now though, gonna try blogging a few posts from my phone on the train. I did actually do some painting last year, so I'll get a few photos of them up as well.

...and now, for no good reason, a Chin Dynasty penguin - c. 205BCE