Saturday, December 29, 2012

Not all board games require a board

So, as I've been cruising the games shops looking for board games to share with the family, I've noticed this one big box covered with WWII images.

Memoir '44...
It's not new, but I've always been a little curious about it.  But, I'm pretty sure I'd be playing it on my own - so how would that work???

Well, as it turns out, I can.

Checking for some info about the game I discovered 'Memoir '44 Online'.  Check it out!  There is an online version of the game, free to download, free to play for a little while and then pay to play after that.
You can play versus the computer or against live players that you can connect to via a simple lounge interface.

I haven't tried playing a real person yet, as the computer is still kicking my butt enough, but maybe later.
The game itself is pretty good, and its scratching the WWII wargame itch just fine at the moment.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Da Mekboy

Every WaarghBoss worth his teeth needs a Mekboy to look after all the tinbitz and stuff that goes dakka dakka.

So one will make a good HQ stand for my boys.

Here's one underway... (Mods made to a Nob figure)