Monday, February 15, 2016

X Wing!

Friday, 12 Feb

After a short practice solo game, a barely started test game and a no-show game, we finally got a full game of X Wing on the table for a family effort.

L and Kn took the Imperials, bringing out Darth Vader, Mauler, and an academy pilot to take on Kr with Luke Skywalker (X Wing) and myself with Dutch in a Y Wing.

For a game where most of us were learning on the job, it went pretty well. I can see how the game would shine when all players know how to finesse the balance of their ships and various add-ons, and play the actions to their best advantage.

Kr was unfortunate enough to get mobbed quite quickly by all three Imperials while I was having trouble bringing the slower Y Wing to bear on the enemy, which left me not lasting long as the TIE fighters then all pounced.

Kn and I are still energized enough by this taste to try again soon, and the new A Wing that I bought to add an option for the Rebels will be seeing action quite soon I feel.

1 comment:

the.urban.bunny said...


Looks good

Stay on Target!

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